An interior cabin is roughly a 50 sq. ft living space for 1-4 people for 15+ hours a week. First, get a thorough deep clean of all interior surfaces to remove body oils, germs, shedding skin, hair, dandruff, pet odors, and spills. Car washes DO NOT remove or sanitize. They only push grime around.
Request a steam clean [320 degrees] and professional sanitize which disinfects and kills germs, mold, viruses, and bacteria. Get your contact points – handles, steering wheel, gearstick, turn signals, control knobs cleansed and purified.
Get your seats cleaned, whether textured or fabric, they hold grime.
Make sure a pro strength window clean is in the package. Removing the interior film, nicotine staining, fingerprints, and pet grime is essential to improve visibility and clarity.
Next, conduct a walkaround with a certified detailer to discuss what steps can revitalize your exterior paint and plastics.